Đặt câu với từ "it is vital|it be vital"

1. Why is it vital that no key ideas be omitted?

2. It is absolutely vital for these to be under democratic control.

3. 26 It is absolutely vital that food supplies should be maintained.

4. And it is vital that the Kingdom message now be declared worldwide.

5. It is absolutely vital to stay properly hydrated.

6. It is vital to use Analgesics carefully as they …

7. It is also vital to the country's fishing industry.

8. As usual, with vital information, it must be verified before it can be acted upon.

9. Why is it vital that true Christians keep awake?

10. Be prepared to insist: if it is bacterial meningitis early treatment with antibiotics is vital.

11. Why is it vital to avoid immoral thoughts and acts?

12. A sparrow may be small but it has all the vital organs.

13. This is a vital part of what it means to be a Latter-day Saint.

14. It is also necessary to make the vital decision how the structure should be manned.

15. It is vital that we not let ourselves be trapped by misguided or perverted love.

16. But it is vital to distinguish between true and false friends.

17. It was vital that the elections should be free of Coercion or intimidation

18. Adherence to this truth—“walking” in it—is vital for salvation.

19. • Why is it vital to keep close in mind Jehovah’s day?

20. ● Why is it vital to keep “close in mind” Jehovah’s day?

21. And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ, RUN!

22. It was said that the police concealed vital evidence.

23. It is important for me as a player, but it is also vital for my family.

24. (b) Why is it vital to have intense love for one another?

25. It is vital that we do not get complacent about this disease.

26. The relationship is not merely convenient for the clown fish; it is vital.

27. Vigilance is vital.

28. It is vital that we continue to find new homes for Adoptable …

29. That vital ingredient - confidence - is still absent but it may resurface soon.

30. 19 It was vital that the elections should be free of coercion or intimidation.

31. It is vital for each person who claims to be a Christian to answer this question positively.

32. □ Why is it vital that youths be able to explain clearly and firmly their convictions about blood?

33. What are those durable materials, and why is it vital to use them?

34. It provides a vital link between Ladakh and Kashmir Valley.

35. Making it has cost you centuries of your vital essence

36. It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed.

37. Friend of my soul, this is terrible, dismaying: it makes one's heart sink, it withers vital energy ...

38. It is vital to seek medical help if you are experiencing Abdominal pain

39. Therefore it is absolutely vital to maintain and extend their scale and scope.

40. It is vital that he recognize the importance of his role as a father.

41. It was absolutely vital for a decision to be taken in order to remedy the situation

42. It would be vital, as he knew, for the next few exchanges to be transcribed with unimpeachable certitude.

43. It is vital therefore to distinguish between the two kinds of breach of covenant.

44. It was to play a vital role in covering sins (atonement).

45. It is vital to transform the international condemnation of terrorism into co-ordinated action.

46. Basically it is a poem which still vibrates with the elan vital of youth.

47. 9 It is of vital importance that you should carry on with your jobs.

48. 24 Friend of my soul, this is terrible, dismaying: it makes one's heart sink, it withers vital energy ...

49. Respect for that name and the One whom it represents was vital.

50. It has been a very vital aid in piloting me into womanhood.


52. Argumentation is a vital factor for communication and it endured in our society for centuries

53. Chinese honeybee ( Apis cerana cerana ) is a vital economic insect, it is largely bred in China.

54. "The lung is an exquisitely radiosensitive organ, and it is a vital organ, " Dr. Rengan said.

55. The heart is vital organ.

56. But it is absolutely vital in the strategic evaluation of structural actions as a whole.

57. Productive activity for the aged is vital; it helps give them a sense of worth.

58. 5 It takes time for someone to build faith in God, so patience is vital.

59. First and foremost, it is vital to understand that predators usually thrive on passive souls.

60. It is vital to match the software to the task, not the other way around.

61. Achieving a standstill is vital for Heron if it is to make headway in rescheduling its debt.

62. Can I say" be vital to" refers to something indispensable while "be vital for" implies that the subject is very important

63. After five decades, this vital need is yet to be satisfied.

64. Resolving these tensions is absolutely vital.

65. I don't want to belabor the point, but it is vital you understand how important this is.

66. So, it's vital to zap stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.

67. It is vital to allow unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance and aid to Gaza without delay.

68. Now that we are in power, it is even more vital for us to act prudently.

69. For instance, it may be used to cover medical expenses or to make vital repairs to one’s home.

70. It would be absolutely contrary to our vital interests to abandon control of our territory in this way.

71. As indicated at Ezekiel 37:28, why is it of vital importance that God’s people be “no part of the world”?

72. Vital apparatus has to be sheathed or enclosed.

73. It is vital that gardeners understand late Blight isn’t like any other tomato and potato diseases

74. It is vital in showcasing the history, art, culture, and lifestyles of many generations and nations.

75. The heart is a vital organ.

76. The liver is a vital organ.

77. We consume plants containing phosphorus in these forms and use it for vital activities.

78. Your service will be vital in the coming weeks.

79. Yes, it is vital that an engaged couple first discuss with each other the plans and possibilities.

80. It is therefore vital to have a balanced view of our activity in support of true worship.